Hydrogen is the lightest element with atomic number 1, Symbol – H and Formula – H2. Hydrogen is colourless, odourless and tasteless.
Green Hydrogen is produced by electrolysis of water from low carbon power produced from renewable sources such as wind, solar etc. Water is split into hydrogen and oxygen by water electrolyser. Hydrogen gas is generated at the cathode and oxygen gas is generated at the anode.
There are three water electrolysis technologies currently in the market and they are based on applied electrolyte. PEM water electrolyser is the most advanced system available in the market and the other technologies are alkaline water electrolyser and solid oxide water electrolyser. PEM water electrolyser has the highest rate of hydrogen production, better energy efficiency and the most compact design.
PEM water electrolysis is done under acidic condition. PEM hydrogen plants are costly when compared to other conventional technologies, but has the advantage of nil carbon emission. Iridium is used as catalyst material on anode and Platinum is used as catalyst material in cathode. Titanium or Gold or Gold and Platinum coated Titanium are the material used for manufacturing separator plate.
PEM electrolysers has the advantage of maintaining consistent pressure, flowrate and purity. The PEM solid electrolyte membrane significantly reduces the hydrogen crossover, allowing high pressure operation required in hydrogen production in renewable energy storage. The response of PEM electrolyser is dynamic when compared to the other two technologies.
Power to Gas Energy Storage – PEM generators are also suited for Power to Gas energy storage, the surplus power from the grid during off-peak hours can be used to electrolyse water to hydrogen.
​OCTAWIZ PEM on demand Hydrogen Plants are manufactured in South Korea and our PEM electrolysers are best suited for industries such as mining, cement, chemicals, fertilizer, Refinery, Steel, Power, Glass, Food & Drug etc.
oh 20Ms
Generation Capacity - 2.0 Nm3 / hr
Technology - Alkaline Water Electrolysis
oh 50MS
Generation Capacity - 50 Nm3 / hr
Technology - Alkaline Water Electrolysis
oh 200Ms
Generation Capacity - 200 Nm3 / hr
Technology - Alkaline Water Electrolysis
oh 300Ms
Generation Capacity - 300 Nm3 / hr
Technology - Alkaline Water Electrolysis
oh 3800s
Generation Capacity - 2.5 Nm3 / hr
Technology - Alkaline Water Electrolysis
oh 6500s
Generation Capacity - 4.3 nm3 / hr
Technology Alkaline Water Electrolysis
oh 9000s
Generation Capacity - 6.0 Nm3 / hr
Technology Alkaline Water Electrolysis